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Tuesday 20 January 2015

Let Go Of Your Past ! God Open The Door Of Your Future !

How to Move Beyond Past Failures and Forgive Yourself
It’s time to forgive yourself and move beyond past failures!
 In order to focus on where you want to go it’s necessary to free yourself from what’s holding you back. Without knowing it, many people hold themselves prisoners by staying stuck in their past failures. 
They beat themselves up and relive their mistakes, again and again. They are victims of their own making and lack the self-confidence and courage to progress in life.

Don’t allow past failures to block you from your present progress, and your future abundance and success. Give yourself permission to begin again. 
There is always time to have fun. I don't care who you are or how little time you think you have—you can make the time. Also, fun is found in the little moments—you don't need to carve out your whole day. Block out a half-hour to do something you enjoy, just for the fun of it.


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