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Tuesday 27 January 2015

Creates a Brighter Tomorrow

One-half of life is luck; the other half is discipline - and that’s the important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what to do with luck.

Success requires hard work and self-discipline. With self-discipline, anyone gain self-confidence and achieve success
If you were to ask the most successful people their secret of success, they will tell you that success requires one thing and that is- self discipline.

Discipline is your ultimate tool for personal empowerment.  It means taking control and getting your life in order. You need to commit to doing this, now, and honor that commitment to yourself. Life is too short to put it off any longer.
The journey of success is not easy. There will always be challenges to face, difficulties to tackle and obstacles to overcome. It takes mental strength and consistency to attain what you desire and self-discipline helps you to master just that. Self-discipline is, as popularly called, ‘the bridge’ between goals and accomplishments


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