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Thursday 19 February 2015

who is a Male)

कौन है पुरुष (who is a Male) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
¤ भगवान की ऐसी रचना है जो बचपन से ही त्याग और समझौता करना सीखता है । 
¤ वह अपने चॉकलेटस का त्याग करता है बहन के लिये । 
¤ वह अपने सपनो का त्याग कर माता-पिता की खुशी के लिये उनके अनुसार कैरियर चुनता है। 
¤ वह अपनी पूरी पॉकेट मनी गर्ल फ़्रेंड के लिये गिफ़्ट खरीदने में लगाता है। 
¤ वह अपनी पूरी जवानी बीवी-बच्चों के लिये कमाने में लगाता है । 
¤ वह अपना भविष्य बनाने के लिये लोन लेता है और बाकी की ज़िंदगी उस लोन को चुकाने में लगाता है । 
¤ इन सबके बावजुद वह पूरी ज़िंदगी पत्नी, माँ और बॉस से डांट सुनने में लगाता है । 
¤ पूरी ज़िंदगी पत्नी, माँ, बॉस और सास उस पर कंट्रोल करने की कोशिश करते हैं । 
¤ उसकी पूरी ज़िंदगी दुसरो के लिये ही बीतती है । और बेचारा पुरुष ~~~~~~~~~~~~:- 
¤ बीवी पर हाथ उठाये तो "बेशर्म" । 
¤ बीवी से मार खाये तो "बुजदिल" । 
¤ बीवी को किसी और के साथ देख कर कुछ कहे तो "शक्की" । 
¤ चुप रहे तो "डरपोक" । 
¤ घर से बाहर रहे तो "आवारा" । 
¤ घर में रहे तो "नाकारा" ।
¤ बच्चों को डांटे तो "ज़ालिम" । 
¤ ना डांटे तो "लापरवाह" । 
¤ बीवी को नौकरी करने से रोके तो"शक्की" । 
¤ बीवी को नौकरी करने दे तो बिवी की "कमाई खाने वाला" । 
¤ माँ की माने तो"चम्मचा" । 
¤ बीवी की माने तो "जोरु का गुलाम"। पूरी ज़िंदगी समझौता, त्याग और संघर्ष में बिताने के बावजुद वह अपने लिये कुछ नहीं चाहता । ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
इसलिये पुरुष की हमेशा इज़्ज़त करें । पुरुष, बेटा, भाई, बॉय फ़्रैंड, पति, दामाद, पिता हो सकता है, जिसका जीवन हमेशा मुश्किलों से भरा हुआ है।

Monday 9 February 2015

You know you deserve nothing but the best!


No matter how bad things got between us, I still had it bad for you. I still miss you & wish nothing but the best for you.
You Can't be good enough for everybody, but you will always be the BEST for the one who deserves you.
Don't let what happened to you minutes ago, days ago, or years ago to hold you back from being the best you that you can possibly in each minute that you have breath.

Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side as long as you are true to the best that is in you.

You Deserve Nothing But The Best

Are you at the point in life when you feel as though you're settling for anything? In a real sense, when you do all you can do and nothing seems to be working in your favor, you begin settling for just any old 'thing.' Unfortunately, there are too many people walking around settling for anything because in their mind, anything is better than nothing. Whenever you reach a point in life and begin to outgrow someone or something, you need to ask yourself the question, am I settling for less than what I deserve? Let me warn you, it's a tough question to answer because with the answer, you'll have to make some tough decisions. Do I stay or do I leave? Do I continue to remain in something that's beneath my potential or do I maintain my composure?

In this life, I've discovered the worst thing you can do to yourself is to treat yourself as second-class. Anytime you neglect to place a value on you, people will access a value on you that's beneath who you are. I want you to get into your spirit that you deserve nothing but the best. When you refuse to settle for settling, you're putting people on notice that you deserve only the best. If you don't put this concept in your mind, don't assume that everyone will treat you how you want to be treated. Remember, we live in a chaotic world and it's up to you to decide for yourself that you want better.

In this spiritual journey, you need to know whatever God has provided and promised you is nothing but the best for you. In other words, God makes sure His children are well taken care of. Don't compare yourself with others, because God has something special for you. I don't care what anyone tells you, you're not a mistake. You have a purpose and mission to accomplish in this life. When you're on assignment from God, He expects you to be the best. If God expects the best out of you, you need to expect the best out of yourself. This isn't the time to make excuses because excuses won't get you anywhere. As a matter of fact, excuses will keep you down, when God is trying to lift you up.

While teaching His disciples, Jesus deposited these words, "Just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise." Please don't miss this - if you want the best, you must put out the best. Your attitude about your job, your partner, your family, and anything else will determine your altitude. Don't complain about wanting more, if you're not giving the best of yourself. That's my word for you. You deserve nothing but the best, but in return, you must be the best in whatever you do.

To be the best, you have to do your best. Remember you ain't the only one that want the triumph, everybody want to be the champion, but only those who believe in themselves will keep up 'til they achieve it.

For every win there's a pride that builds up and makes you feel good about yourself, but for every loss there's a chance to prove to yourself to be the best

Thursday 5 February 2015

In our life we ​​will have some fun.

In our life we ​​will have some fun. 
I do not unusual 
I was not very happy when I do not know anything. 
Time I was not so troubled that I fell ill. 
Live to enjoy the present.